Every new T2 Artist creates a fun announcement piece to celebrate their connection to the Team. Scroll through to visit and enjoy this creative work!

Ella Bailey

Jennifer Ball-Cordero

Annalise Barber

Doruntina Beqiraj
Abbey Bryant

Karen Bunting

Courtney Dawson

Ashley Nicole DeLeon
Corey Egbert

Tiffany Everett

MacKenzie Haley

Cleonique Hilsaca

Devon Holzwarth

John Joseph

Tatiana Kamshilina
Rebeca Koblick de Leon

Dawn Lo

Saoirse Lou

Bhagya Madanasinghe

Fernando Martín

Erin McClean

Rob McClurkan

Letícia Moreno

Taia Morley

Marcus Murray

Christopher Nielsen

Carrie O'Neill

Hazel Quintanilla

Claudia Ravalli

Lea Marie Ravotti

Andrea Stegmaier

Emily Thomas