2231 Grandview Avenue
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
United States
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
United States
+1 (216) 513-4047
Yes, we are always looking for new talent to join the Team!
Agent, Nicole Tugeau, accepts queries here: submissions@tugeau2.com. Send a email introducing yourself, along with five samples of your children's-specific illustration work and/or a direct link to your children's-specific website. Author-Illustrators, include at least one (no more than three) full-length picture book scripts. Put Nicole Tugeau's name in the Subject line.
Agents, Heather & Ethan Long, accept queries here: submissions@tugeau2.com. Send a short email introducing yourself, along with five samples of your work and/or a direct link to your personal website. Author-Illustrators, include at least one (no more than three) full-length picture book scripts. Put Heather & Ethan Long's names in the Subject line. Updated March 20, 2025: Ethan & Heather Long are currently CLOSED to new submissions.
First, be sure to visit with Agent Wishlists in the About Us section of this website before querying Agents.
Agent, Carter Hasegawa, accepts queries via Query Tracker here. Follow the link.
Agent, Nicole Tugeau, accepts author queries here: submissions @tugeau2.com. Include the text for at least one full-length picture book (no more than three) and tell Nicole briefly about yourself, your platform and other published and completed projects.
Agents, Heather & Ethan Long, accept author queries here: submissions@tugeau2.com. Include the text for at least one full-length picture book (no more than three) and tell Heather & Ethan briefly about yourself, your platform and other published and completed projects. Updated March 20, 2025: Ethan & Heather Long are currently CLOSED to new submissions.

Teagan White, Peek-A-Boo Haiku, Little Simon