Tiny Moth Studios is a world of magical forests and brave animal friends, brought to life by illustrator and author Teagan White. Through books, stationery, puzzles, fabric, toys, and beyond, Tiny Moth invites kids and adults alike into playful watercolor scenes where they can explore the wonders of the natural world and meet the friendly creatures who live there.
Teagan lives in Oregon with their partner and stepdaughter and a cat named Bug. When not making art, Teagan enjoys riding bikes, adventuring in the woods, and visiting seagulls at the beach.
Teagan has illustrated six picture books to date, including their own creations Adventures with Barefoot Critters and Counting with Barefoot Critters (Tundra Books). Past clients include American Greetings, Big Picture Press, Birch Fabrics, Chronicle Books, Galison Mudpuppy, Hallmark, Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt, Knopf Books, Ladybug Magazine, Lerner Books, MacMillan Children’s, Mara Mi, McGraw-Hill, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing, Target, and Trader Joe’s.
Visit the Tiny Moth Studios website at www.tinymothstudios.com or on Instagram @TinyMothStudios
In addition to their work for kids, Teagan maintains a separate practice as a nature illustrator and artist; you can find that work at www.teaganwhite.com or on Instagram @Teaganwh
Teagan lives in Oregon with their partner and stepdaughter and a cat named Bug. When not making art, Teagan enjoys riding bikes, adventuring in the woods, and visiting seagulls at the beach.
Teagan has illustrated six picture books to date, including their own creations Adventures with Barefoot Critters and Counting with Barefoot Critters (Tundra Books). Past clients include American Greetings, Big Picture Press, Birch Fabrics, Chronicle Books, Galison Mudpuppy, Hallmark, Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt, Knopf Books, Ladybug Magazine, Lerner Books, MacMillan Children’s, Mara Mi, McGraw-Hill, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing, Target, and Trader Joe’s.
Visit the Tiny Moth Studios website at www.tinymothstudios.com or on Instagram @TinyMothStudios
In addition to their work for kids, Teagan maintains a separate practice as a nature illustrator and artist; you can find that work at www.teaganwhite.com or on Instagram @Teaganwh
Represented by Nicole Tugeau