Devon is an illustrator passionate about picture books. She likes the area between thought provoking, tenderness, and a good laugh, and finds those narratives through mixed media and long walks to generate stories.
Devon had a magical childhood in Panama with the jungle as her backyard and parrots and iguanas as pets. Much of her work draws from the lush wildness of her first home. Devon earned her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2000 focusing on screen printing and illustration. After RISD, she worked in California exhibiting in art shows and doing graphic design at a national children's publication. She also painted murals all over the Bay Area. She currently lives in Aachen, Germany, with her tinkering husband, two funny, creative kids and a hard of hearing hound dog.
To see more great work, check out her website or Instagram @devonholzwarth
Represented by Nicole Tugeau
Represented by Nicole Tugeau